Words for Sale
Words for Sale
Come along Jamerson’s unique journey to be understood with this hopeful, encouraging, and empathetic tale!
Jamerson is a little boy who wants to make friends, but he just finds sharing his thoughts so hard! So Jamerson turns to what he knows best...mixing and baking his thoughts to relieve his stress. Soon, he finds his words pouring into the food he makes. This is his unique way to share his voice and communicate. But how will his friends and neighbors react to this unexpected surprise?
The perfect story for children who may not be able to verbally express themselves, Words for Sale encourages children to find creative outlets that will allow them to cope with adversity while gaining a better understanding of themselves. This book teaches children that they are key players in determining their destinies by advocating for themselves and finding unique ways to share their voices confidently. Words for Sale also teaches children about having empathy and accepting friends that may be different.